- サプライチェーンの中心部に位置
- スマートかつサスティナブルな統合された都市
- エコシステムを完備した工業、商業、住宅、教育、エンターテイメント
- 働くこと、暮らすこと、学ぶこと、遊ぶこと、をサポート




















- パティンバン港
- クルタジャティ国際空港
- トランスジャワ高速道路
- 旅客および貨物列車
- ジャカルタ-スラバヤ高速鉄道
- 10,000社以上のサプライチェーンに近接
- 90,000人以上のポテンシャル人材の拠点
- 競争力のある賃金
- 効率的な物流
- 生産性の向上
- コスト削減
- エコフレンドリー

- パティンバン港
- クルタジャティ国際空港
- トランスジャワ高速道路
- 旅客および貨物列車
- ジャカルタ-スラバヤ高速鉄道

- 10,000社以上のサプライチェーンに近接
- 80,000人以上のポテンシャル人材の拠点
- 競争力のある賃金(約USD 207)
- 効率的な物流
- 生産性の向上
- コスト削減
- エコフレンドリー
インドネシアNo.2の規模 2021年第4四半期にフェーズ1が完了‐キャパシティー375万TEU
この港は、特に西ジャワ地域の自動車産業に対して、より利便性に優れ競争力のある物流コストを提供し、輸出を後押しすることが期待されています。 パティンバン港は次のソリューションを提案します:
- コンテナ滞留時間の減少
- 港湾オペレーションの競争力向上
- 物流効率全体を向上
フェーズ I-1: 2018-2021年
- コンテナ・ターミナル (250,000 TEUs)
- カー・ターミナル (218,000C CBU)
フェーズI-2: 2021-2023年
- コンテナ・ターミナル (3,750,000 TEUs)
- カー・ターミナル (600,000C CBU)
フェーズ II: 2024-2025年
- コンテナ・ターミナル (5,000,000 TEUs)
フェーズ III: 2026-2027年
- コンテナ・ターミナル (7,500,000 TEUs)
スバン・スマートポリタン 販売用地
- 大規模区画 (20Ha以上)
- 中規模区画 (5Ha-20Ha)
- 小規模区画 (1-5Ha)
サウス・スマート・コア 商業用地
- オフィスタワー
- ホテルとアパートメント
- 教育とR&Dセンター
- 病院
- ショッピングモール、ファクトリーアウトレット、F&Bアウトレット
- テーマパークとレクリエーションセンター
- スポーツとエンターテイメント

Project Development
Subang Smartpolitan – The Smart & Sustainable Development
Better Efficiency, Higher Productivity, and Enhanced Economy of Scale
Expect better efficiency, higher productivity and enhanced economy of scale in the Silicon Valley of the Southeast Asia region. This smart and sustainable city offers industrial areas, commercial land for sale, commercial land for rent, entertainment, education and residential areas to suit all purposes.
The 2,700 Ha industrial property for sale development has direct access to toll networks connecting directly to major cities, West Java International Airport, and the new Patimban Seaport. Additionally, Subang Smartpolitan is connected via a railroad network and the upcoming Jakarta-Surabaya High-Speed Train.
Subang Smartpolitan commercial land for sale is set to host advanced manufacturing practices, enhance efficiency, effectiveness, security and facilitate balanced living through the adoption of technology and IoT. Whether you are to secure a permanent location or looking for commercial land for rent, we are ready to take care of you.
Welcome to Subang Smartpolitan, The Silicon Valley of Southeast Asia.
Ready for Industry 4.0 High Tech Companies
This industrial property for sale offers interconnectivity, automation, and real-time data that allows for better collaboration and access across departments, partners, vendors, products and people. Industry 4.0 empowers your organisation to better control and understand every aspect of the operation, leverage instant data to boost productivity, improve processes and drive growth.
The IT facilities of this commercial land for sale allow tenants to gain greater insight, control and data visibility across the entire supply chain. Your company will optimise efficiency and deliver faster, cheaper, better quality products and services over less-efficient competitors. Possible maintenance issues will be streamlined and better predicted with analytics, to prevent problems before they occur. You can boost asset tracking with more efficient asset optimisation at each stage of the supply chain, creating better logistics opportunities.
Be more competitive against competitors, be more attractive to the younger digitally savvy workforce, build a stronger team and be more collaborative. Secure the future on this highly-valued commercial land for sale.
Major Benefits
Logistic Efficiency
Strategic location and digital infrastructure will be contributing factors to your success in achieving logistics efficiency. Applying smart & sustainable concepts throughout the facilities, Smartpolitan offers advanced technology & IoT for tenants use. This commercial land for sale is perfectly situated in Subang, the heart of West Java Province with various integrated transportation modes and direct access to toll roads, railways, West Java International Airport and Patimban Seaport. Your business has many options for a seamless distribution network.
Increased Productivity
Subang Smartpolitan industrial property for sale boasts an integrated work-play-home solution necessary for a balanced life. A shorter commute and all-in facilities mean more happy workers with increased productivity.
Competitive Costs
This commercial land for sale is backed by state-of-the-art technology that reduces downtime and the usual disruptions. Also, the presence of trusted vendors and other suppliers makes this a very mutually beneficial business neighbourhood. This industrial property for sale has an efficient work environment that lowers your operational costs.
Environmental Issues and More
With the Paris Agreement signed by the government of Indonesia, Suryacipta is committed to supporting SDG initiatives. Our commercial land for sale and commercial land for rent are incorporated with these considerations.
Subang Smartpolitan has fulfilled the strict environmental regulations and other necessary permits for an industrial area. On top of that, we have created a fully sustainable city with underground infrastructures, including a wastewater treatment plant to protect the environment that supports sustainable living.
This eco-city has plenty of open spaces and green areas, maintaining more than sufficient balance with the industrial, commercial, residential, and other facilities. Every thoughtful consideration has been integrated into this industrial property for sale.
Overview of Nearby Major Infrastructures
Towards the east, the new Patimban Seaport is ±40 km, Kertajati International Airport ±70 km, Bandung City ±90 km, and Central Java Province ±150 km. Going west towards the capital city Jakarta City ±90 km, Tanjung Priok Seaport ±100 km, Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, ±120 km. This industrial property for sale abounds with major infrastructures to support any major business operation.
Patimban Seaport
Inaugurated by the President in December 2020, the USD 3.07 billion port is one of the government’s priority infrastructure projects, set to boost Indonesia’s economy. Its proximity to Subang commercial land for sale will be advantageous to large scale businesses.
Kertajati International Airport
A short distance from Subang commercial land for sale, Kertajati International Airport located in District Kertajati, Majalengka is approximately 70 km from the city of Bandung, the capital of West Java province. Strategically situated around the growing area of West Java, Kertajati’s accessibility is guaranteed by the highway and railway.
Trans Java Highways
Offering many entrances and exits, this commercial land for sale is supported by the Trans-Java Highways, a set of tolled expressways that runs from Merak, the northwestern end of Java to Banyuwangi, the eastern end of the island in Indonesia. The toll roads conveniently connect all major cities of the island. The total length of the road is 1,167 kilometres.
The Extra Edge (Advantages)
Subang Smartpolitan industrial property for sale has various enhancements to create a truly connected world: Smart Grid System, Water Management System, Sustainable Water, Wastewater Drainage, Sustainable Water, and Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD).
- Smart Grid System: monitoring & optimizing energy consumption to reduce electricity cost
- Wastewater Drainage: smart flow sensor in the wastewater treatment plant to save labor costs & increase sustainability
- Sustainable Water: innovative sensors & online management system to improve cost throughout the water supply chain
- Water Sensitive Urban Design: connecting smart, sustainable water management & urban design to increase effectivity in water resource integration
The eco-friendly complete ecosystem of this commercial land for rent combines modern elements powered with technology to support a work-live-learn-play lifestyle.
World-Class, Environmentally Friendly Utilities & Infrastructure
Utilising advanced technology and IoT, Subang Smartpolitan commercial land for sale has a road network and smart mobility systems that are monitored at the Command Center, interconnected with world-class sustainable electricity and gas systems to create a smart and environmentally friendly Infrastructure that enhances efficiency, effectiveness and security.
With full fibre optic coverage and a 5G network ready, your Industrial 4.0 set-up is ready to go. This commercial land for sale keeps essential infrastructures like gas, water, and electricity integrated into an underground network.
Subang Smartpolitan, a modern smart & sustainable city that caters for your work, live, learn, and play.